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Do you want to take your mental game to the next level? Good news! These are skills that can be learned and practiced, just like a workout. Join me at camp this year to discuss topics that are crucial for growth, performance & long term success! After running at the high school, collegiate and professional levels these are the things I wish I could go back and tell myself! We will also hear from Olympian Elise Cranny, go for a beautiful trail run or hike, and do a fun tie-dye project. 
As an athlete, you constantly work to reframe challenges- whether they be mental, physical or even spiritual. Gaining a new perspective, or changing the way you look at something is a skill that is developed over time! The obstacles I’ve encountered forced me to grow, be creative and push the limits of what I thought I was capable of doing. Evaluating and learning new ways to deal with what’s presented isn't just a skill needed in sport, it's a valuable life skill. 

One of the things I am most passionate about is encouraging and educating the next generation of female athletes. I want to pay forward what I have learned from those who have generously shared their time and knowledge with me over 20+ years in the sport as a high school, collegiate and professional athlete! This includes a support network of mentors, sports psychologists, coaches and therapists. And there you have it! In 2016, "Kickin with Katie" was born.
**2024's Camp will be held on June 5th in Boulder, CO**


— Sam, 2020 Camper

“I learned so so much about myself and running, things that I will certainly apply to my life as I continue my journey as a runner and athlete. What I found was a safe place to share my story and a chance to find myself as a runner again.  Katie and her former teammates were extremely open and vulnerable about their personal experiences .”

Kickin' with Katie 2023!

Kickin' with Katie 2019!

Kickin' with Katie 2017!