Advice to my high school self: Failure is your friend!
It was my senior year of high school, and I had one last chance to achieve my goal: winning a state cross country title! Things were...
Q&A Danny Mackey: How a warmup can help you race better
What are the benefits of a harder warm-up before a race or hard workout? This is a crude example, but think of how you feel when you roll...
An Inspirational Q&A With Pro Runner Katie Mackey
Love that quote? Us, too. And it’s just one of the reasons why we’re pumped to share an exclusive interview with Brooks Beasts member...
Katie Mackey is Better with Friends
The middle-distance star has been setting PRs and winning big since joining a team. As they jogged 15 minutes up a dirt road in Sedona,...
Tips from a 15:04 5ker
· What does a typical week of workouts look like for you? Usually we do two hard workouts a week on Tuesdays and Fridays to...